What is the payment method?

  • The payment will be done via a bank transfer in Turkish Lira (TRY).

Do you provide an invoice?

  • If requested a invoice (fatura) will be provided, however, an extra 8% will be charged. Please inform us before you send payment.

What are the payment details?

  • Payment details will be sent to the advisor/individual delegate in an email. The payment should be done no later than in a calendar week (within a registration period for early or regular fees).

Is there a social event?

  • Yes, IISMUN will have a social event this year; the details are to be announced shortly.

What is the dress code?

  • Professional business attire is compulsory for all participants. One will be expected to dress in suits (if male) or in equally formal clothing (if female). Male delegates should have a tie tied appropriately. Unacceptable attire includes sneakers, t-shirts, hoodies, jeans. Female delegates are advised against miniskirts, low-cut blouses, tops that reveal a bare midriff. Delegates who fail to follow the dress code will receive a warning.

Can individual delegates apply?

  • Yes, both delegations and individual delegates can apply. Only high school students are eligible. Individuals with solid MUN experience may want to apply as STOFF or contact us directly to join the Press team.

How big or small can a delegation be?

  • The delegation is advised to have a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 12 delegates. If the planned delegation size is smaller or bigger, the advisor should contact us directly.

Which procedure will IIS MUN follow?


Can middle school students apply?

  • No, only High School students can join the conference due to the expected level of preparation and participation (we have small committees and each delegate is expected to be actively involved in work at all stages).

What awards are there at IIS MUN?

  1. Best Delegate

  2. Outstanding delegate

  3. Honourable Mention

Are there lunches?

  • IIS MUN provides all delegates with lunches on Saturday and Sunday as well as snacks and drinks during the breaks.

If you have any other questions, write to us: iismun@istanbulint.com